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Imagine Possible Futures

We help you to imagine your future, contextualise your challenges and identify opportunities


We help you figure out what could be your “Unknown Unknown” (things you don’t know you don’t know) and from there working on potential risk assessment and preparation scenarios. There are already weak signals that could help you portraying this future. We will challenge you, propose wild cards and break your status go. It is a real journey and you will come back full of energy and ideas. Yes, the future is good.

At the end of the project, you could get :

  • 3 to 6 different scenarios of futures with an analysis of the factors that created them, the new winners and losers, the differences in term of daily tasks/life, Values and infrastructures and systems in place,
  • Transversal conclusions on the various leverages, attention points that can be integrated in a global approach,
  • A back casting planning on how to reach your preferable future,
  • A KPIs dashboard to identify towards which future the world is heading.

Expect the unexpected

The world is now volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (V.U.C.A).

Global complexity reaches new heights and the world is entering into the most incredible change period of mankind history.

We can’t predict the future, but one thing is sure : what is ahead of us is full of big changes driven by technological disruption : 3D printing, robotics, internet of things, internet of energy, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies and of course artificial intelligence.

We are in a new paradigm, making traditional strategy planning tools obsolete.

We need new navigation systems. Future thinking helps doing just that.

Resilience is the new innovation

Shocks, radical changes are creating business crisis.

Business continuity, crisis recovery and adaption to context changes are now key assets for organisation survival.

Resilience is the core asset for the next decade. How are you goign to deal with unexpected situations?

Are you able to

  • shift your distribution channels within a month or two?
  • launch a new product within 3 months?
  • Even change your business model

Resilience can be built, learned, developped.

Resilience is a key asset that organisations can’t avoid to develop?

Be the change you want to see in the world

That famous Ghandi quote has never been more relevant.

Tomorrow, thriving companies will be the one solving societal problems.

Bringing real value to the world.

You can’t predict the future but you can create it.

With the right indicators you can learn to anticipate and prepare for the crisis to come in the best way as possible.

Transformation is now global and need to happen at every level of your organisation, in every aspects.


​All our project leaders are senior people with strong operational experiences in large and small companies.


  • We know all methodologies by heart because we teach it at universities and high school.
  • We are passionate about futures. We have even futurologists in our team.
  • We have worked in different industries, so we have benchmarks at hand.
  • We support our recommendations with financial analysis and business case when relevant.
  • We keep your brand purpose always in mind as the true north.
  • We are very agile with no overhead structures.